Cardboard Batmobile

Cardboard Batmobile

I loved being a dad and I love being a “papa” as well. Three of my four grandkids live a day’s drive away so whenever I get a chance I try to do something special for them. This was a cardboard Batmobile I made for my grandson Oliver to “ride” in.

7 thoughts on “Cardboard Batmobile

  1. Any chance you have a “how to” for the batmobile? Love what you did and my son is asking for a batmobile for drive in movie night @ our church….any tips would be greatly appreciated!

  2. I don’t have a ready-made “how to” but there are a couple of tricks that will help you out.
    1) for starters get a box large enough to cut down into the main body of the car. Large appliance retailers and moving places are a good source. Some art supply places sell large sheets of cardboard.
    2) make use of ‘found objects” as much as possible:
    a) Hobby Lobby has round hatboxes of various sizes that you can use for lights or tired.
    b) Home Depot has cardboard cylinders for use in pouring cement pillars that some in larger diameters than the H/L hatboxes.
    3) use a hot-glue gun and black duct tape for assembly4) use corner clamps and bungee cords to secure pieces during assembly
    4) This isn’t going to bankrupt you – but if you try to go “cheap” you’ll get frustrated. Good art supplies won’t make a bad artist good but bad art supplies will defeat a good artist every time.

  3. hello David,
    I want to make my nephew the bat mobile for his birthday. Can you give me an idea of size or other photos of the car as i have no idea where to start. Thank you in advance!

  4. I am that dad now grandpa. 2 of my 4 are next door to me and 1 is 20 mins away. I love being an “buelo” so much too. We are hosting 1 grandsons 2nd birthday drive in theater party and batmobile is what I’m making too! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I no longer have the actual cardboard Batmobile (it went home with my grandson Oliver) but I would estimate it to measure about 70 cm ( 2 1/2 feet) along the long axis. It was designed for a five-year-old but I imagine it could be scaled for a larger child. If you search through my other posts you can find “how-to” instructions that will help you in construction.

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